Monday, June 25, 2007

Alternate careers

Makes me wonder if there is something else out there.

There has been a feeling of being caught in a rut lately and nothing I do makes it any better. Think, its really a time to take a break and do something drastically diff for about 6 months!

Drop me a line if you think there are alternative paths out there :)

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Ho Hum....

Back in good ol' B'lore.. At least for a while.. At least thats what I think :))

With all the uncertainity and constant upheavel, it feels good to be in the midst of familiar surrounding and family. Nothing compares to it !

Lotsa pix to upload, lotsa stuff in my draft folder.... yes I will get to it someday in the near future, till then..

Heading to Thailand for a week, yiipeeee doooo !!

ps: Watched 'Life in a Metro', enjoyed it immensely..