Saturday, January 21, 2006


There are certain things constant to be said about ARR music

1. There is a high probability that you will not like or appreciate the song when you hear it the first time.
2. You will most probably like it a lot by the time you hear it for the third time.
3. The lyrics in hindi will always sound a little cooky like they have been somehow made to fit the tune.
4. Songs sung personally by ARR will, more often than not give you goosebumps!
5. Nobody else has such a variety of singers singing for him.
6. His songs are not at all as easy to sing as they might sound to be. Its the sheer talent of the singers that make the songs sound as if sung effortlessly.
7. He is the best no matter what :)

1 comment:

RamaDrama said...

Whoa!You nailed that one.To me,Rahman is like Tendulkar.There is trepidation(wonder why i use such words to complicate simple things esp. when it doesn't even match) everytime his album comes out just like when Tendulkar walks to bat.You need to get thru those initial overs(listening minimum three times) before he gets going.And you are so right about the singers. They do make it look so in point "Saanwariya Sanwariya(Swades)".(ofcourse there are many).