Thursday, November 16, 2006


My mum taught me (quite non verbally) when I was a kid that- Adversity is the greatest teacher, it will teach you most of what you need to learn in life. Whether its about how to derive that strength when you feel the weakest or about the rationale to decide right and wrong when wrong is the most desirable and convenient.

What she forgot to mention is how adversity teaches different people different things. You may think that similar events may trigger similar behavioral pattern. Certain types of situation results in certain types of behavior.. I did...

But I was wrong.. I think I have slowly come to realize that any form of adversity teaches you to be a better person only in the realm or sphere of whats relevant to you. Anything beyond that is just not a part of your psyche..

Did not understand what I meant? Take for example, a childhood thats predominantly about tight purse strings and too many other constraints can result in many a different kinds of adults years from now.. To consider a few...
There could be some who grow up to acknowledge the fact that things can go wrong and always be prepared and play safe..
While others who will be grateful for every good day and live life like its the last of its kind...

No matter what you think, these two kinds of people/adults are quite mutually exclusive.

Which one do you think you are?


Anonymous said...

" (1) There could be some who grow up to acknowledge the fact that things can go wrong and always be prepared and play safe..

(2) While others who will be grateful for every good day and live life like its the last of its kind... "

To be honest da , i am trying to go from the first to the second ... but not sure how much i have succeeded or for that matter sometimes really sit and think if i really want to go from 1 to 2 ... that's me :)))

RamaDrama said...

We are constantly evolving to our stimuli and respond according to our state of life...ultimately we behave in the pattern that makes sense to us in the moment..and has gotten results in the past...