Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Being taken for granted?

Why do we really take people and relationships for granted ? Is it the comfort of the relationship or is it too much of familiarity? Either ways I think it’s a terrible thing to do and the fastest way to kill any relationship. Any relationship I personally think is a full time job, if anybody feels otherwise then either has a relationship that probably doesn't mean all that much or maybe its just a trifle not deep (read shallow) attitude towards making and sustaining friendships/relationships.
Maybe, I am also being generic in some ways, but for good or bad, I have seen friendships only going towards no man's land if you start taking people for granted.
Its been a lingering thought in my head for a while now.


Anonymous said...

200% sync with this post rads

Anonymous said...

Hey rads i feel what you have written is absolutely right. Its better not to have any relationship if we dont find time for them. Becos when we dont have time for our intimates we take them for granted and finally mess up. So better have few and good people around you and spend your life for them full heartedly - Indu

Anonymous said...

Being taken for granted is the saddest feeling in the world. Peole who love supeficially and who are comfortable and have their needs met by a partner who puts in more effort to make a relationship work is at risk of being taken for granted. My advice is dont waste time with someone who cant value you or make the time or effort to show you that you are the best thing in the world that ever happened to them. Its better to be alone and surrounded by grateful friends and family than being taken for granted in a relationship. Thats when you truly feel alone.

Anonymous said...

its truly a saadest thing in the world when u put all your efforst to work out in the relationship in which that certain person really dont recognized what u did for them. Based on my experienced, its really painful tof ace the fact that your are taking for granted.For that, i realized that if i dont have boyfriend i find myself more happy with my loving friends that loving the wrong person which only purpose is to be understood but not willing to understand the partner.Sometime, i blame myself coz i let it happen to me let people hurt me, but then, i learn form this experienced tha i should love myself and learn as well to control my feelings.

OkTataByeBye said...

c how many people r being taken of granted in 1 day....for me being sympathized nd taken fo granted r the worst feeling in this orld