Wednesday, August 31, 2005

solpa adjust maadi

I am actually learning to adjust :)

Flashback 2 years ago I was this snob, spoilt wildflower (:p) who would just refuse to adjust in this otherwise maladjusted world ! (Whoa)
Cut back to present, doing all too well and loving it :))

Wisdom that came with age I think ! (philisophy too!) But seriously, feels wonderful to see that I have progressed from the self involved person I used to be to the socially sensitive person I see myself as today :)

Adjusting with new friends
Adjusting with in laws
Adjusting with stupid colleagues (ok fine, just colleagues !)
Adjusting with apartmentmates without any hassles.. (thats a huge thing on my list!)
Adjusting to the new city

Verry proud I say

Yux and more yux !

Relationships- swear, the day i start understanding some dynamics in this world, I would call it a day an just bury myself underground!
Like, what is with guys and prev relationships? I am amazed at how adaptive they are as it is moving on in life from one person to another. Its even more amazing how they can dig out details you would rather choke than reminisce about..

I am constantly amazed...I mean how do they do it ? Is there like a channel flick button in them which just erases all previous memories and switches over to the next channel.?
I do not understand.. And they call women uncomprehensible (or is that incomprehensible?)! Jeez !

Reminds me of that episode of sex and the city (yes, I have mentioned this one before) - ex and the city, where the girls talk about their exes and how diff or easy it is to move on and co-exist in this world.. I think despite all the lovin and givin around us, I tend to agree with Miranda when she says - "I am not the - we loved, you enriched my life, now go prosper.. kind. I am more the - we didn't work out, you need to not exist !.. kind" !! I so totally agree.

This world should just be like that.. This whole co-existense is bull shit.. Somehow at some insane insane level, there are connections and associations, so who are we trying to kid here !

Anyways, I digress.. Men ! Huh !! We could do so well without them !!! (ok, no sweetie, I don't mean you, i am sayin this for the rest of the species :p )

Monday, August 29, 2005

Monday morning thought..

A lovely weekend.. A monday seems justified if your weekend has been good or will be good :) In my case, stand corrected both ways..
Had a wonderful weekend and have a super weekend comin up ! Woo hooo !

A dear friend came down to visit and help me settle in. It felt really good to see him after I think almost an year and a half ! Did truck loads of shopping and visited another friend :) Yup, its been a weekend of catching up with ol' friends..

Sat and chatted away a whole afternoon. Felt like one of those classroom breaks, where you just sit an talk about everything under the sun :) Brought back warm memories..

Ever felt that the day to day life esp the office makes you put up a face day in and day out ? I do... really. Behind all that professional face and formal attitude there is a perky 26 year old somewhere who like to fool around, maybe jump up an down a bit :-) I saw that side of me after a looooooong time over the weekend.. Felt good to just be myself an jump around an scream :p
Maybe thats what friends are for.. for bringing out the real you .....

Thursday, August 25, 2005


Tired would an understatement to describe my frame of mind currently. Last 2-3 weeks have been disastrous to say the least..Travel plans depite my very vehemant protests, in laws visiting, MIL falling sick, ignoring my neck pain only to realize much later that it had already blown into a severe condition, construction work, misc work an finally the travel an settling down in a new city!
A little too much, wouldn't you think? And all packed in a couple of weeks..
Really, if I just had a teeny weeny wand that could put things right... I would just....hmm.. umm.. swishh.. swoooshh....

Ok, thats just wishful thinking.. But honestly, I really wish for like a 'comma' if not a 'semi colon' in my life right now. Its just getting a little too much to take..
So many things I would like to change, so many things I would like to do...

Take a break for work an just squat at home for about 3 months
Take a long vacation or a cruise
Join a gym!
Go for physiotherapy
Forget about work and most of all about this stupid company I work for
Go shopping
Visit friends
Read more books
Sit in the sun
Go to the beach
and most of all... actually live with hubby like Normal couples do !!

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

For the moment..

"The breeze beckons a memory. A curl of air floats with it happily..."